5 Tips For Finding The Right Nursing Shoes For Your Feet

When you work in the medical profession as a nurse, you could be spending anywhere from 8 to 12 hours a day on your feet standing on concrete floors and tending to your patients. This constant strain and pressure are way more than regular shoes can handle and at the end of a long work day, you will be left with not just tired feet, but likely an entire body that is feeling exhausted. Finding the right nursing shoes can completely change the way your feet and body feel throughout the day. Here are five tips to help you find the best nursing shoes for your feet. 

Arch Support That Fits Your Foot - It is no secret that arch support is important, but when you are standing on concrete for hours on end, supporting the arch of your foot will be crucial. Lack of support can cause major problems with lower back strain. The medical shoes you choose should have a sturdy arch support that conforms well to the shape of your foot.

Non-Skid Soles - In a medical setting you could encounter a lot of slippery surfaces. This is why having shoes with a non-skid sole is so important. This will give you added traction so slippery surfaces will not leave your feet slipping trying to stay stable. 

Non-Porous Materials - When you work in a profession where you could be coming in contact with bodily fluids and many germs, it will be vital that you can appropriately clean your shoes at the end of the day. It is best to have nursing shoes that are made with lightweight rubber, silicone, or leather, which are all easy to wipe off and clean without causing damage. 

Thick Shock-Absorbing Soles - You may not want a heavy heel in a shoe you have to wear for long hours, but you do need a sole that is thick enough that it can absorb the shock of constant pounding on concrete as you step. 

Lightweight in Design - The last thing you want is tired legs from hauling heavy shoes all day. Therefore, nursing shoes that are lightweight in their design are important. While some nurses prefer shoes made of synthetic rubber materials, these are not always the lightest in weight. Foam rubber, which is resilient, easy to clean, and lightweight, is a much better solution. 

The shoes that you have on your feet as a nurse will easily make the difference in how you feel at the end of your shift. For more information about finding the best nursing shoes for you, talk to a representative from a medical equipment supply store (such as Scrubs N Stuff).  

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home medical beds and equipment information

Medical home beds are an important investment when caring for an ailing loved one at home. These beds are specially designed to make your job as a caregiver easier and to keep the patient as comfortable as possible throughout the day and night. So, how do you know which medical bed will suit your needs the best? Is one type of medical bed better than another? My blog explains many things about the medical equipment you need in your home to care for your ailing loved one. Hopefully, my experience caring for both of my parents will help you get through this difficult time a little easier.

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